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More Teachers Nationally Certified

Eight more teachers in the Long Beach Unified School District have earned National Board Certification, the highest professional distinction in teaching.

Another 12 teachers here renewed their national certification, a designation that lasts for 10 years.  The school district now has about 143 nationally certified teachers.

The rigorous certification is a year-long process that involves writing extensive portfolios, videotaping classroom instruction and participating in a day of written exercises.

The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certification is the nation's only advanced teacher certification.  In 菠菜网lol正规平台, national certification also can provide higher salary potential.

New National Board Certified teachers are Patricia Anaya, Stanford; Fernando Arroyo, Newcomb; Kimberlee Ann Boggs, Hudson; Trez Brown, Poly; Anne M. Gundry, Poly; Alicia Huizar, Webster; Gerard Morrison, Hoover; and Sylvia Mulvehill, Stanford.

Teachers who renewed their national certification this year are Pamela Amici, Poly; Tracy Braido, Newcomb; Kelly Dale, Lakewood; Heather Evans, Barton; Robin Davis Fesseha, Reid; Arlena Gilmore, King; Cara Hale-Hanes, Poly; Jeff Ray Harper, Jefferson; Nicole Jackson, OCIPD; Laura Leaney, Poly; Kathleen McCormick, Cubberley; and Jeanne Spicer, Lowell.

Learn more about National Board Certification.

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